Batgirl Gets Trendy
Joe and Kendall welcome Kristen (of the Sunnydale Stacks) as they tackle the Batgirl soft reboot known as “The Batgirl of Burnside”. Babs gets a new practical purple (!!!) costume to kick baddie butt in the trendy Gotham burb of Burnside! Watch her start with hero-ing back at square one , build a super heroic social media presence, and go brain-to-brain with a villain you’ll never expect. The redesign is a lot of fun and we’re excited that we were able to share our enjoyment with Kristen. Secure your data Bat-Fanatics, we’re about to fight crime Millennial style!
Plot Pandemonium: Batgirl: Batgirl of Burnside (Batgirl vol 4 #35-40)