Independence Day
Before the resurgence, we're going back to where it all began with the original Independence Day. Before Will Smith was a bona fide movie star... before we realied Roland Emmerich was essentially just going to keep remaking this same movie again and again... and before Randy Quaid became this character in real life. Kristen from The Sunnydale Stacks joins the HDYR gang for a conversation about how films like this influenced subsequent summer tentpoles, how much these types of blockbusters have changed in the last twenty years, and how much remains exactly the same.
Other topics include: the aggressive marketing campaign and some slight confusion over the ID4 abbreviation, our initial impressions of the movie, the supporting characters we'd put on the chopping block and which ones feel like they're in a different film entirely, some mixed opinions on Bill Pullman's performance as President Whitmore, what the rest of the world was doing while America was figuring out how to stop the invasion, the staggering number of blink-and-you'll-miss-them familiar faces, the fact that Dr. Okun was absolutely 100% dead, how many problems could have been solved by changing one thing about that alien spacecraft in Area 51, a debate about one of cinema's most notorious plot holes, that Goldblum swagger, and much much more!