Gingerbread / Helpless
In Gingerbread, a pair of children are murdered in Sunnydale and Joyce takes it upon herself to rally the town to action. Unfortunately, this means a campaign against Witches and Slayers that turns mother against daughter. Giles, Xander, and Oz must stop Sunnydale from holding its own Salem Witch Trials. Kristen & Mike discuss the symbolism behind M.O.O. and Buffy's parent/child role reversal.
Happy Birthday, Buffy! As our favorite Slayer celebrates her eighteenth birthday in Helpless, she finds herself feeling weak and uncoordinated. Her plans to go to the Ice Show with her dad will have to wait as Buffy is tested by the Watcher Council and Giles. Will Buffy be able to save the day without her powers? Kristen & Mike attempt to define "strength" and grade Jeff Kober's performance as Kralik.