Forever / Intervention
In "Forever", the Scoobies continue to mourn Joyce. While Angel arrives to comfort Buffy, Dawn refuses to accept the loss of her mother. Aided by a very sneaky Willow, Dawn plans a resurrection spell. Spike acts as chaperone as they gather the various necessary ingredients. Kristen and Mike discuss Spike's motivation to assist Dawn, and Willow's imprudence.
In "Intervention", Buffy leaves town on a quest to rediscover her humanity as the Slayer. Meanwhile, Spike is enjoying his new toy - the Buffy Bot. The Scoobies are quickly fooled by the double - and plan an intervention. But first they have to stop a kidnapped Spike from telling Glory about Dawn. Kristen and Mike discuss the purpose of the vision quest, and speculate about a robot's capacity for pleasure.
PLUS! You name your "blood bag delivery" companies!