Get It Done / Storyteller
In "Get it Done", Robin, finally a member of the Scooby Gang, gives Buffy his mother's Slayer Bag-o-Tricks. Insides is a shadow puppet theater, and when Dawn reads the story of the First Slayer amidst the shadows, it opens a portal. While Buffy negotiates with the First Watchers, the gang must figure out a way to get her back. Kristen and Mike discuss Buffy's "Everyone sucks but me" speech, and Spike's magic coat.
In "Storyteller", Andrew has appointed himself Scooby Documentarian. He narrates the Slayer's campaign against the First to hilarious inaccuracy. Meanwhile, the seal is heating up and possessing the students of Sunnydale High. Buffy has a plan to deactivate it, but it means Andrew will have to put down the camera and face his actions. We examine the device of Andrew as an unreliable narrator, and the dangers of possessed teenagers versus literal superheros.
PLUS! Your unnamed character credits!